Burton Hanson for Congress
GOP Primary - MN 3rd District
Strength and Prosperity Through Peace

The Role of the Press in Politics and Government

"In the 18th century Alexander Pope could write: 'Of all those ills that mortal men endure/ How few are those the law can cause or cure.'...Consider the great issues of our time: war and peace, poverty and plenty, consumption and conservation of resources, ignorance and education, fear and security in our crowded cities. The law, and particularly judge-made law, can have only a limited impact on these issues....The law can give us freedom from governmental censorship of the press, but the quality of the press, its contribution to our understanding and our will, lies in larger measure with the press itself. Thus, responsibility rather than freedom of the press becomes the problematic factor. The same is true of those immensely powerful media, television and motion pictures." Paul A. Freund, "The Judicial Process in Civil Liberties Cases," 1975 U. Ill. L. F. 494.

Copyright (c) 2004 by Burton Randall Hanson. Prepared & published  by candidate on his own behalf and at his own expense. Candidate may be reached by e-mail at burtonhanson@burtonhanson.com. Candidate does not solicit or accept contributions or endorsements.